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- Kolkata Metro Rail Govt Job Vacancy 2024: 128 Apprentice Vacancies, ITI Pass Jobs in Kolkata
Kolkata Metro Rail Govt Job Vacancy 2024: 128 Apprentice Vacancies, ITI Pass Jobs in Kolkata
by Sivasankari
Updated Dec 06, 2024

Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024 Notification Overview
Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024-25: Apply Online for 128 Apprentice Vacancies in Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024-25 in Kolkata. Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024-25 Jobs notification published for the post Apprentice Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024-25 read complete details before applying in Kolkata Metro Railway Notification for the post Apprentice. You can Check all Latest Sarkari Result Updates of All Central Government Jobs and State Government Jobs.
Qualification for Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024
The candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, in aggregate, from a recognized Board and should also possess the National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by NCVT/SCVT.
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Mode of Selection
- Selection of a candidate for training slot in Metro railway/Kolkata will be on the basis of merit prepared in respect of all eligible candidates who apply against the notification. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of data/details filled up by candidates in the online application form.
- The formula given below in will be followed for determining the merit. If any candidate fills up wrong details, then his/her candidaa s will be cancelled as soon as the discrepancy comes to the notice of Railway Administration
- The Select list for Document Verification (DV) will be on the basis of average of marks in the Matriculation and ITi. The formula given below In will bo followod for dotermining the merit. Morit list will be prepared trado /unit /community wiso. Candidatos must noto that no contralized merit list will be be prepared trade /unit /community wiso. Candidatos must noto that no contralizod merit list will bo formed.
- Merit list will be drawn for eligible candidates taking the average of percentage marks obtained by the candidates in both matriculation [with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks) and ITI examination giving equal weight age to both. For example - A candidate secured 80.58% marks in Matriculation examination and 91.68% marks in ITI, then marks considered for selection will be ½ [80.58+ 91.68]= 86.13. NOTE: • In case of two candidates having the same marks, the candidate having older age shall be preterred. In case the dates of birth are also same, the candidate who passed the matriculation examination earlier shall be considered first.
- Candidates to the extent of the notified training slots in the respective communities, as per merit prepared following the above formula, will be called for Document Verification (DV)
- Candidates should note that the list of eligible candidates will be short listed against 1:1 notified vacancy and they will be plotted against their option in respect of merit (average of class10m percentage and ITI percentage secured). Such candidates will be placed against one slot and one trade and the said slot is blocked for the said candidate. Such candidate who will be slotted as above is not considered against any other option / trade and hence there is no repetition of such candidate in other option / trade.
- A candidate will get selected for training in Metro Railway/Kolkata based on the comparative community wise merit position of candidate and as per available training slots in his/her trade. vii. In case of any dispute, the decision taken by Railway Administration will be final.
Age Limit for Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024
- The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age (as on cutoff date for receiving application). The age as recorded in the Matriculation certificate issued from a government recognized Board/Authority or the birth certificate issued from a government recognized Authority shall only be rockonod for the purpose. No other document like horoscope, affidavits, birth extract from Municipal Corporation, service records and like will be accepted.
- Upper age limits relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/Scandidates, 3 years in case of OBC-NCL candidates and 10 years for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates.
- Candidates availing the benefits of the relaxed criteria would be required to produce the relevant documents at the time of documents verification for verifying their eligibility for the above mentioned criteria. Ealling te do se will lead te rejection of candidature under relaxed standards.
- Upper age limit is relaxable by additional 10 years for Ex-SM (ex-serviceman) up to the extent of service rendered in Defense Forces plus 03 years provided they have put in a minimum of 06 months service at a stretch. The candidates, who want to avail the benefit of reservation of Ex-servicemen and Armed Forces Personnel. must produce Discharge Certificate and Pension Papers. Similarly, the children of Ex-servicemen and children of Armed Forces Personnel must produce Discharge Certificate and Pension Papers OR Serving Certificate of his/her parents respectively (as the case may be) at the time of document verification.
Fee for Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024
- Application fees (non-refundable) is Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred) only. However ne fee is te be paid by the SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates. The payment of fees will have to be made online through 'Payment Gateway' available with online Application Form while filling up the online Application Form.
- The payment can be made by using Debit Card / Credit Card /Internet Banking etc. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be borne by the candidate. At times, there may be server issues because of huge rush, which may affect the online payment system.
- In such scenario, the candidate needs to login fresh and attempt again. ili. During submission of online application, a registration number will be issued to each applicant and the candidates are advised to note their Registration Number.
Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024 Last Date to Apply Online at mtp.indianrailways.gov.in
- Before apply, candidates must register their names at www.apprenticeshipindia.org. the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils all the eligibility criteria. If at any later stage, the particulars furnished by the candidate are found to be not conforming to the eligibility criteria, his/her engagement will be terminated forthwith. All annexures in the given formats for claiming fees exemption, reservation, age relaxation, etc. must be submitted at the time of verification of documents.
- The candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting the link provided on the Notice Board of official website of Metro Railway/Kolkata (httos://mtp.indianrailways.sov.in).
- They must go through the detailed instructions before filling up the online applications.
- All relevant fields/boxes must be carefully filled up by the candidate. The particulars (including spellings) must match with the details available in the Matriculation certificate like name, father's name, date of birth
- The candidates should fill the relevant columns regarding their community as per the government issued certificates for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PwBD
- Candidates can apply for training as Act Apprentice Trainee as per notified trades of Metro Railway/Kolkata through this notification.
- However, a candidate will get selected for training as trade wise in Metro Railway/Kolkata as per procedures mentioned in Para 5 of this notification, based on the comparative community wise merit position of candidate and as per available training slots in his/her trade.
- The candidates are advised to indicate their mobile numbers and valid e-mail IDs which are needed to be kept active over the entire process of selection. All communication with the candidates for further selection process will be made through these mobile and email only. No letter will be sent by post from Metro Railway/Kolkata.
Kolkata Metro Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2024
The Kolkata Metro Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2024 offers 128 vacancies
The age limit for Kolkata Metro Railway Apprentice 2024 is between 15 and 24 years, with candidates required to be within this age range.
The last date to apply online for the Kolkata Metro Railway Recruitment 2024 is December 23, 2024.