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Riddle News

I Can be Cracked Made Told and Played What Am I Riddle and Answer

I Can be Cracked Made Told and Played What Am I Riddle and Answer

59 days ago
Embark on a captivating journey with the "I Can be Cracked Made Told and Played" riddle. Challenge your intellect, exercise logical reasoning, and unravel the del....
I Am Loud And Obnoxious, I Like Music And Rhyme, I’m Only A Fraction of The Population But Equate For Half Of The Crime. Who Am I? Riddle - Answer Explained

I Am Loud And Obnoxious, I Like Music And Rhyme, I’m Only A Fraction of The Population But Equate For Half Of The Crime. Who Am I? Riddle - Answer Explained

59 days ago
The riddle describes teenagers or youth, highlighting their noisy behavior, affinity for music and rhyme, and disproportionate involvement in cr....
What is Black When It is Clean and White When It is Dirty? Riddle and Answer

What is Black When It is Clean and White When It is Dirty? Riddle and Answer

59 days ago
The riddle What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? challenges perceptions. The answer, a chalkboard, reveals how appearance can change with use. It's....
What Can Be Swallowed, But Can Swallow You? Riddle Answer Explained

What Can Be Swallowed, But Can Swallow You? Riddle Answer Explained

59 days ago
The riddle asks what can be swallowed but can also engulf you. The answer is "pride." When you feel proud, you "swallow" that feeling, but excessive pri....
How Many Seconds in a Year Riddle and Answer

How Many Seconds in a Year Riddle and Answer

60 days ago
Delve into the intriguing riddle, "How many seconds in a year?" Explore the clever play on words and discover the unexpected solution, challenging conventional th....
What Runs All Around a Backyard, Yet Never Moves? Riddle and Answer

What Runs All Around a Backyard, Yet Never Moves? Riddle and Answer

61 days ago
The answer to the riddle "What runs all around a backyard, yet never moves?" is a fence. Despite its stationary nature, it encircles the yard, cleverly embodying ....
In 1990 A Person is 15 Years Old Riddle Answer Explained

In 1990 A Person is 15 Years Old Riddle Answer Explained

61 days ago
In the riddle, when it says "In 1990," it refers to a time before the birth of Jesus Christ. So, if someone is 15 years old in 1990 BC, they were born in 2005 BC.....
There Is A Woman On A Boat Riddle - Answer Explained

There Is A Woman On A Boat Riddle - Answer Explained

61 days ago
Discover the captivating mystery of the 'There Is A Woman On A Boat Riddle.' Unravel the enigma as you navigate through twists and turns....
What has a Neck but no Head Riddle - Answer Revealed

What has a Neck but no Head Riddle - Answer Revealed

64 days ago
Are you looking for the “What has a neck but no head riddle”? Here you can find the tricky riddle and its logical solution.....
What Has to Be Broken Before You Can Use It? Riddle and Answer

What Has to Be Broken Before You Can Use It? Riddle and Answer

64 days ago
The riddle asks what must be broken before use, revealing the answer: an egg. Through its simple yet profound metaphor, it emphasizes the necessity of overcoming barriers t....
Give Me Food and I Will Live Riddle and Answer

Give Me Food and I Will Live Riddle and Answer

64 days ago
Unravel the enigmatic 'Give Me Food and I Will Live' riddle. Explore its metaphorical depths, uncovering the intriguing juxtaposition between sustenance and surviva....
Brothers and Sisters I Have None Riddle Answer Explained

Brothers and Sisters I Have None Riddle Answer Explained

64 days ago
The riddle starts with someone saying they have no brothers or sisters. Then, they mention another person's father, stating that this person's father is their own f....
Feed Me And I Live, Yet Give Me A Drink And I Die. What Am I? Riddle Answer Explained

Feed Me And I Live, Yet Give Me A Drink And I Die. What Am I? Riddle Answer Explained

66 days ago

Feed Me And I Live, Yet Give Me A Drink And I Die. What Am I? Riddle Answer is Fire.

What has a Bottom at the Top Riddle and Answer

What has a Bottom at the Top Riddle and Answer

66 days ago
Explore the playful world of riddles with the intriguing question: "What has a bottom at the top?" Delve into creative thinking and discover the clever answer tha....
2 Bodies Were Found Frozen Riddle and Answer

2 Bodies Were Found Frozen Riddle and Answer

66 days ago
The "2 Bodies Were Found Frozen Riddle" presents a mysterious discovery in Antarctica, where scientists uncover two bodies encased in ice. The intriguing answer r....
What is The Longest Word in The Dictionary Riddle Answer Explained

What is The Longest Word in The Dictionary Riddle Answer Explained

66 days ago
The riddle asks, "What's the longest word in the dictionary?" The surprising answer is "smiles," with "mile" between the S's, playing ....
Spelled Forwards And Backwards Riddle - Get the Answer Here

Spelled Forwards And Backwards Riddle - Get the Answer Here

67 days ago
This riddle challenges you to find a word that reads the same forward and backward. It's a fun exercise in wordplay and symmetry, with the s....
What Kind of Band Never Plays Music? Riddle and Answer

What Kind of Band Never Plays Music? Riddle and Answer

67 days ago
Discover the amusing answer to the riddle, "What kind of band never plays music?" Unravel the clever wordplay and find out why a rubber band stands out as the une....
What Word Begins and Ends With an E but Only Has One Letter Riddle and Answer

What Word Begins and Ends With an E but Only Has One Letter Riddle and Answer

67 days ago
This riddle challenges listeners to identify a word that starts and ends with E but has only one letter between them. The clever answer, envelope, showcases the playful man....

"What Jumps When It Walks And Sits When It Stands?" Riddle Answer Explained

67 days ago
This riddle talks about an animal that jumps while moving and looks like it's sitting when it stops. The answer is a kangaroo! When it moves, it hops with its back legs....
Two Babies Born on The Same Day Riddle - Get the Answer Here

Two Babies Born on The Same Day Riddle - Get the Answer Here

72 days ago
Two babies born simultaneously on the same day, month, and year, yet not twins—revealed as part of a triplet set, challenging assumptions ....
What Has Hands but Cannot Clap Riddle and Answer

What Has Hands but Cannot Clap Riddle and Answer

72 days ago
The answer to the riddle "What has hands but cannot clap?" is typically a clock. This clever answer relies on understanding the dual meaning of "hands" ....
Albatross Soup Riddle Answer Explained

Albatross Soup Riddle Answer Explained

72 days ago
The man tasted the soup, triggering a memory of eating human flesh on a deserted island. Overwhelmed by guilt, he chose to end his life. Thus, the taste of the soup reminde....
Given them to the Girl Riddle and Answer

Given them to the Girl Riddle and Answer

72 days ago
Unravel the mystery of the "Given Them to the Girl Riddle" as it challenges perception and reasoning. Discover how diamonds symbolize friendship and beauty in thi....
What Comes Once in A Year Twice in A Month Riddle

What Comes Once in A Year Twice in A Month Riddle

73 days ago

This riddle asks what appears once in a year, twice in a month, and never in a week. The answer lies in understanding the occurrences of letters within words.