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id cfish-popup-message-dialog popup-name popup-1 div class cp-dialog-popup-content div class title-con img id cp-dialog-image src h2 id cp-dialog-title h2 div p id cp-dialog-description p a class cp-dialog-close-button href javascript void 0 popup-close popup-1 x a div div div class ocrext-element ocrext-wrapper style display none header class ocrext-element ocrext-header span class mdl-layout-title ocrext-element ocrext-title span Copyfish span a class ocrext-closeToolbar-link icon-action-white icon-action-white-ic close white 24dp title Close svg fill none height 24 stroke currentColor stroke-linecap round stroke-linejoin round stroke-width 2 viewbox 0 0 24 24 width 24 xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg line x1 18 x2 6 y1 6 y2 18 line line x1 6 x2 18 y1 6 y2 18 line svg a a class ocrext-settings-link icon-action-white icon-action-white-ic settings white 24dp title Settings svg fill fff id Capa 1 style enable-background new 0 0 297 297 version 1 1 viewbox 0 0 297 297 x 0px xml space preserve xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg xmlns xlink http www w3 org 1999 xlink y 0px g path d M148 5 81 888c-36 73 0-66 612 29 882-66 612 66 612s29 882 66 612 66 612 66 612s66 612-29 882 66 612-66 612 S185 23 81 888 148 5 81 888z M148 5 194 927c-25 599 0-46 427-20 827-46 427-46 427s20 827-46 427 46 427-46 427 s46 427 20 827 46 427 46 427S174 099 194 927 148 5 194 927z path path d M148 5 113 428c-19 339 0-35 072 15 733-35 072 35 072s15 733 35 072 35 072 35 072s35 072-15 733 35 072-35 072 S167 839 113 428 148 5 113 428z M148 5 163 387c-8 208 0-14 887-6 679-14 887-14 887s6 679-14 887 14 887-14 887 s14 887 6 679 14 887 14 887S156 708 163 387 148 5 163 387z path path d M288 789 182 326l-18 21-10 514c1 454-7 658 2 188-15 469 2 188-23 313s-0 734-15 655-2 188-23 313l18 21-10 514 c2 318-1 338 4 009-3 542 4 702-6 129c0 693-2 585 0 33-5 34-1 008-7 658l-30 757-53 273c-2 787-4 826-8 955-6 48-13 787-3 694 l-18 234 10 526c-11 872-10 249-25 607-18 192-40 355-23 332V10 093C189 35 4 519 184 831 0 179 257 0h-61 514 c-5 574 0-10 093 4 519-10 093 10 093v21 022c-14 748 5 14-28 483 13 082-40 355 23 332L49 061 43 92 c-4 829-2 788-11 001-1 133-13 787 3 694L4 517 100 887c-1 338 2 318-1 701 5 073-1 008 7 658c0 693 2 586 2 384 4 79 4 702 6 129 l18 21 10 514c-1 454 7 658-2 188 15 469-2 188 23 313s0 734 15 655 2 188 23 313l-18 21 10 514 c-2 318 1 338-4 009 3 542-4 702 6 129c-0 693 2 585-0 33 5 34 1 008 7 658l30 757 53 273c2 787 4 827 8 957 6 482 13 787 3 694 l18 234-10 526c11 872 10 249 25 607 18 192 40 355 23 332v21 022c0 5 574 4 519 10 093 10 093 10 093h61 514 c5 574 0 10 093-4 519 10 093-10 093v-21 022c14 748-5 14 28 483-13 082 40 355-23 332l18 234 10 526 c4 83 2 787 11 001 1 132 13 787-3 694l30 757-53 273c1 338-2 318 1 701-5 073 1 008-7 658 C292 798 185 869 291 107 183 665 288 789 182 326z M249 345 122 645c2 147 8 404 3 236 17 103 3 236 25 855 s-1 089 17 45-3 236 25 855c-1 121 4 384 0 814 8 977 4 732 11 239l15 878 9 167l-20 664 35 792l-15 908-9 184 c-3 921-2 262-8 87-1 64-12 104 1 526c-12 514 12 244-27 984 21 187-44 735 25 863c-4 362 1 217-7 379 5 192-7 379 9 721v18 336 h-41 329v-18 336c0-4 529-3 017-8 504-7 379-9 721c-16 752-4 676-32 221-13 618-44 735-25 863 c-3 237-3 166-8 186-3 788-12 104-1 526l-15 908 9 184l-20 664-35 792l15 878-9 167c3 918-2 262 5 853-6 855 4 732-11 239 c-2 147-8 404-3 236-17 103-3 236-25 855s1 089-17 45 3 236-25 855c1 121-4 384-0 814-8 977-4 732-11 239l-15 878-9 167 l20 664-35 792l15 908 9 184c3 922 2 263 8 87 1 64 12 104-1 526c12 514-12 244 27 984-21 187 44 735-25 863 c4 362-1 217 7 379-5 192 7 379-9 721V20 185h41 329v18 336c0 4 529 3 017 8 504 7 379 9 721 c16 752 4 676 32 221 13 618 44 735 25 863c3 238 3 167 8 186 3 789 12 104 1 526l15 908-9 184l20 664 35 792l-15 878 9 167 C250 16 113 668 248 225 118 261 249 345 122 645z path g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g svg a a class ocrext-open-tab-link icon-action-white icon-action-white-ic settings white 24dp title Open in tab svg fill fff id Layer 1 style enable-background new 0 0 460 002 460 002 version 1 1 viewbox 0 0 460 002 460 002 x 0px xml space preserve xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg xmlns xlink http www w3 org 1999 xlink y 0px g g path d M427 137 0 001H32 865C14 743 0 001 0 14 745 0 32 866v394 272c0 18 121 14 743 32 864 32 865 32 864h394 271 c18 122 0 32 865-14 743 32 865-32 864V32 866h0 001C460 002 14 745 445 259 0 001 427 137 0 001z M32 865 430 001L32 865 430 001 c-1 582 0 001-2 865-1 282-2 865-2 864V32 866c0-1 579 1 285-2 865 2 865-2 865h394 271c1 58 0 2 865 1 285 2 865 2 864V344 12 l-26 378-26 378l10 999-10 999c8 58-8 58 11 146-21 484 6 503-32 694c-4 643-11 21-15 583-18 519-27 716-18 519H286 037 c-16 569 0-30 13 431-30 30v107 372c0 12 134 7 309 23 073 18 519 27 716c3 711 1 537 7 61 2 285 11 474 2 285 c7 808 0 15 48-3 048 21 22-8 788l10 999-10 999l26 885 26 885H32 865z M430 002 427 124c0 1 582-1 282 2 864-2 864 2 865 l-39 578 0 013l-69 311-69 311l-32 212 32 211V285 53h107 372l-32 211 32 212l68 804 68 804V427 124z path g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g svg a span header div class ocrext-clearfix ocrext-content ocrext-element div class ocrext-canvas-container ocrext-element canvas class ocrext-element height 320 id ocrext-canOrig style display none width 480 canvas canvas class ocrext-element height 320 id ocrext-can width 480 canvas div class ocrext-element ocrext-textoverlay-container div class ocrext-element ocrext-text-overlay div class ocrext-element ocrext-text-overlay-word-wrapper img class ocrext-element ocrext-text-overlay-img text-overlay-img div div div div div class ocrext-element ocrext-ocr-output div class ocrext-element ocrext-spinner-wrapper div class is-upgraded mdl-js-spinner mdl-spinner ocrext-element ocrext-spinner data-upgraded MaterialSpinner div class mdl-spinner layer mdl-spinner layer-1 div class mdl-spinner circle-clipper mdl-spinner left div class mdl-spinner circle div div div class mdl-spinner gap-patch div class mdl-spinner circle div div div class mdl-spinner 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href=\u0022https:\/\/careers.rojgarlive.com\/articles\/aiims-bhubaneswar-govt-job-vacancy-2024-scientist-c-vacancies-post-graduate-pass-jobs-in-bhubaneswar-16558\u0022\u003Econtinue reading\u003C\/a\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003C\/div\u003E","description":" p span style color 000000 All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhubaneswar has released the AIIMS Bhubaneswar Recruitment 2024 Get the Latest 01 Scientist C AIIMS Bhubaneswar Recruitment 2024 Vacancies Notification at aiimsbhubaneswar nic in and eligible Candidate can apply for Scientist C AIIMS Bhubaneswar Recruitment 2024 on or before the last date 18 12 2024 span p div class cp-dialog-popup id cfish-popup-message-dialog popup-name popup-1 div class cp-dialog-popup-content div class title-con img id cp-dialog-image src h2 id cp-dialog-title h2 div p id cp-dialog-description p a class cp-dialog-close-button href javascript void 0 popup-close popup-1 x a div div div class ocrext-element ocrext-wrapper style display none header class ocrext-element ocrext-header span class mdl-layout-title ocrext-element ocrext-title span Copyfish span a class ocrext-closeToolbar-link icon-action-white icon-action-white-ic close white 24dp title Close svg fill none height 24 stroke currentColor stroke-linecap round stroke-linejoin round stroke-width 2 viewbox 0 0 24 24 width 24 xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg line x1 18 x2 6 y1 6 y2 18 line line x1 6 x2 18 y1 6 y2 18 line svg a a class ocrext-settings-link icon-action-white icon-action-white-ic settings white 24dp title Settings svg fill fff id Capa 1 style enable-background new 0 0 297 297 version 1 1 viewbox 0 0 297 297 x 0px xml space preserve xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg xmlns xlink http www w3 org 1999 xlink y 0px g path d M148 5 81 888c-36 73 0-66 612 29 882-66 612 66 612s29 882 66 612 66 612 66 612s66 612-29 882 66 612-66 612 S185 23 81 888 148 5 81 888z M148 5 194 927c-25 599 0-46 427-20 827-46 427-46 427s20 827-46 427 46 427-46 427 s46 427 20 827 46 427 46 427S174 099 194 927 148 5 194 927z path path d M148 5 113 428c-19 339 0-35 072 15 733-35 072 35 072s15 733 35 072 35 072 35 072s35 072-15 733 35 072-35 072 S167 839 113 428 148 5 113 428z M148 5 163 387c-8 208 0-14 887-6 679-14 887-14 887s6 679-14 887 14 887-14 887 s14 887 6 679 14 887 14 887S156 708 163 387 148 5 163 387z path path d M288 789 182 326l-18 21-10 514c1 454-7 658 2 188-15 469 2 188-23 313s-0 734-15 655-2 188-23 313l18 21-10 514 c2 318-1 338 4 009-3 542 4 702-6 129c0 693-2 585 0 33-5 34-1 008-7 658l-30 757-53 273c-2 787-4 826-8 955-6 48-13 787-3 694 l-18 234 10 526c-11 872-10 249-25 607-18 192-40 355-23 332V10 093C189 35 4 519 184 831 0 179 257 0h-61 514 c-5 574 0-10 093 4 519-10 093 10 093v21 022c-14 748 5 14-28 483 13 082-40 355 23 332L49 061 43 92 c-4 829-2 788-11 001-1 133-13 787 3 694L4 517 100 887c-1 338 2 318-1 701 5 073-1 008 7 658c0 693 2 586 2 384 4 79 4 702 6 129 l18 21 10 514c-1 454 7 658-2 188 15 469-2 188 23 313s0 734 15 655 2 188 23 313l-18 21 10 514 c-2 318 1 338-4 009 3 542-4 702 6 129c-0 693 2 585-0 33 5 34 1 008 7 658l30 757 53 273c2 787 4 827 8 957 6 482 13 787 3 694 l18 234-10 526c11 872 10 249 25 607 18 192 40 355 23 332v21 022c0 5 574 4 519 10 093 10 093 10 093h61 514 c5 574 0 10 093-4 519 10 093-10 093v-21 022c14 748-5 14 28 483-13 082 40 355-23 332l18 234 10 526 c4 83 2 787 11 001 1 132 13 787-3 694l30 757-53 273c1 338-2 318 1 701-5 073 1 008-7 658 C292 798 185 869 291 107 183 665 288 789 182 326z M249 345 122 645c2 147 8 404 3 236 17 103 3 236 25 855 s-1 089 17 45-3 236 25 855c-1 121 4 384 0 814 8 977 4 732 11 239l15 878 9 167l-20 664 35 792l-15 908-9 184 c-3 921-2 262-8 87-1 64-12 104 1 526c-12 514 12 244-27 984 21 187-44 735 25 863c-4 362 1 217-7 379 5 192-7 379 9 721v18 336 h-41 329v-18 336c0-4 529-3 017-8 504-7 379-9 721c-16 752-4 676-32 221-13 618-44 735-25 863 c-3 237-3 166-8 186-3 788-12 104-1 526l-15 908 9 184l-20 664-35 792l15 878-9 167c3 918-2 262 5 853-6 855 4 732-11 239 c-2 147-8 404-3 236-17 103-3 236-25 855s1 089-17 45 3 236-25 855c1 121-4 384-0 814-8 977-4 732-11 239l-15 878-9 167 l20 664-35 792l15 908 9 184c3 922 2 263 8 87 1 64 12 104-1 526c12 514-12 244 27 984-21 187 44 735-25 863 c4 362-1 217 7 379-5 192 7 379-9 721V20 185h41 329v18 336c0 4 529 3 017 8 504 7 379 9 721 c16 752 4 676 32 221 13 618 44 735 25 863c3 238 3 167 8 186 3 789 12 104 1 526l15 908-9 184l20 664 35 792l-15 878 9 167 C250 16 113 668 248 225 118 261 249 345 122 645z path g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g svg a a class ocrext-open-tab-link icon-action-white icon-action-white-ic settings white 24dp title Open in tab svg fill fff id Layer 1 style enable-background new 0 0 460 002 460 002 version 1 1 viewbox 0 0 460 002 460 002 x 0px xml space preserve xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg xmlns xlink http www w3 org 1999 xlink y 0px g g path d M427 137 0 001H32 865C14 743 0 001 0 14 745 0 32 866v394 272c0 18 121 14 743 32 864 32 865 32 864h394 271 c18 122 0 32 865-14 743 32 865-32 864V32 866h0 001C460 002 14 745 445 259 0 001 427 137 0 001z M32 865 430 001L32 865 430 001 c-1 582 0 001-2 865-1 282-2 865-2 864V32 866c0-1 579 1 285-2 865 2 865-2 865h394 271c1 58 0 2 865 1 285 2 865 2 864V344 12 l-26 378-26 378l10 999-10 999c8 58-8 58 11 146-21 484 6 503-32 694c-4 643-11 21-15 583-18 519-27 716-18 519H286 037 c-16 569 0-30 13 431-30 30v107 372c0 12 134 7 309 23 073 18 519 27 716c3 711 1 537 7 61 2 285 11 474 2 285 c7 808 0 15 48-3 048 21 22-8 788l10 999-10 999l26 885 26 885H32 865z M430 002 427 124c0 1 582-1 282 2 864-2 864 2 865 l-39 578 0 013l-69 311-69 311l-32 212 32 211V285 53h107 372l-32 211 32 212l68 804 68 804V427 124z path g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g svg a span header div class ocrext-clearfix ocrext-content ocrext-element div class ocrext-canvas-container ocrext-element canvas class ocrext-element height 320 id ocrext-canOrig style display none width 480 canvas canvas class ocrext-element height 320 id ocrext-can width 480 canvas div class ocrext-element 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mdl-spinner circle div div div div class mdl-spinner layer mdl-spinner layer-3 div class mdl-spinner circle-clipper mdl-spinner left div class mdl-spinner circle div div div class mdl-spinner gap-patch div class mdl-spinner circle div div div class mdl-spinner circle-clipper mdl-spinner right div class mdl-spinner circle div div div div class mdl-spinner layer mdl-spinner layer-4 div class mdl-spinner circle-clipper mdl-spinner left div class mdl-spinner circle div div div class mdl-spinner gap-patch div class mdl-spinner circle div div div class mdl-spinner circle-clipper mdl-spinner right div class mdl-spinner circle div div div div div p class ocrext-element ocrext-status p div class ocrext-clearfix ocrext-element ocrext-grid ocrext-grid-message div class ocrext-cell ocrext-cell-small ocrext-element h5 class ocrext-element ocrext-label ocrext-message OCR Result span title Auto-Detect Auto-Detect span h5 div div class ocrext-cell ocrext-cell-large ocrext-element textarea class 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MaterialRipple title Redo OCR Redo OCR button button class ocrext-element ocrext-ocr-recapture ocrext-btn mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--accent data-upgraded MaterialButton MaterialRipple title Recapture Recapture button button class ocrext-element ocrext-ocr-retranslate ocrext-btn mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--accent data-upgraded MaterialButton MaterialRipple title Re-Translate Re-Translate button button class ocrext-element ocrext-ocr-copy ocrext-btn mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--accent data-upgraded MaterialButton MaterialRipple title Copy to clipboard Copy to clipboard button div class translate-button id deepl translate button svg height 30pt preserveaspectratio xMidYMid meet version 1 0 viewbox 0 0 128 000000 128 000000 width 30pt xmlns http www w3 org 2000 svg g fill 000000 stroke none transform translate 0 000000 128 000000 scale 0 100000 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ocrext-element ocrext-mask style height 100 left 0px top 0px width 100 z-index 2147483644 p class ocrext-element Please select text to grab p div class ocrext-corner-tl ocrext-overlay-corner style height 100px left 0px top 0px width 655 5px div div class ocrext-corner-tr ocrext-overlay-corner style height 100px left 655 5px top 0px width 655 5px div div class ocrext-corner-br ocrext-overlay-corner style height 100px left 655 5px top 100px width 655 5px div div class ocrext-corner-bl ocrext-overlay-corner style height 100px left 0px top 100px width 655 5px div div ","thumbnail_url":"https:\/\/img2.rojgarlive.com\/careers\/2024\/12\/aiims-bhubaneswar-govt-job-vacancy-2024-scientist-c-vacancies-post-graduate-pass-jobs-in-6757d29d73f9f74881937-1200.webp"}