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  3. AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 @ ahsec.assam.gov.in Check and Download Here

AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 @ ahsec.assam.gov.in Check and Download Here

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) has made the Political Science syllabus for HS 2nd year available on its official website. Students of the 2024-25 batch can visit ahsec.assam.gov.in to download the syllabus PDF.

by Keerthika

Updated Jul 29, 2024


AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 @ ahsec.assam.gov.in Check and Download Here

AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 @ ahsec.assam.gov.in

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Political Science syllabus for HS 2nd year for the 2024-25 batch is now available on the official website. Students can visit ahsec.assam.gov.in to download the syllabus PDF. The new syllabus mirrors the previous year's content and format, with no significant changes. It is structured into theory and practical components, with 80% of the evaluation based on theory and 20% based on practical work.

Check - AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25

A. Contemporary World Politics

Unit I The End of Bio-Polarity



Unit II Contemporary Centre of Power



Unit III Contemporary South Asia



Unit IV International Organisations



Unit V Security in the Contemporary World



Unit VI Environment and Natural Resources



Unit VII Globalisation



B. Politics in India Since Independence

Unit I Challenges of Nation Building



Unit II Era of One Party Dominance



Unit III Politics of Planned Development



Unit IV India’s Foreign Policy



Unit V Challenges to and Restoration of the

Congress System



Unit VI The crisis of Democratic Order



Unit VII Regional Aspirations



Unit VIII Indian Politics: Recent Trends and Development





Total Marks



Assam Board HS 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25

A: Contemporary World Politics

Unit I: The end of Bipolarity

Soviet System and its disintegration- Policy Gorbachev - Shock therapy & its consequences - India and post-communist countries.

Unit II: Contemporary Centre of Power

European union Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) - the rise of the Chinese economy-Indo-China Relation-Japan, South Korea

Unit III: Contemporary South Asia

What is South Asia? Military System & Democracy in Pakistan- Democracy in Bangladesh-Moranchy & Democracy in Nepal-ethnic conflict and democracy in Srilanka -India-Pakistan Conflict -India and its Neighbours -Peace & cooperation in South Asia.

Unit IV: International Organisations

Necessity of an Internal organization- Evolution of UN-Reform of UN after the Cold War-Jurisdiction of UN- other important international Organisations - World bank, WTO, Amnesty International Human Rights Watch, IAEA etc., - The UN in a unipolar World-India and the UN reform.

Unit V: Security in the Contemporary World

What is security? – Traditional and Non-traditional notions of security –Types – Human Security, Global Security - New Sources of threats- Terrorism Human Right-Global poverty -Migration-Health Epidemics-Cooperative Security-India’s security strategy.

Unit VI: Environment and Natural Resources

Environmental concerns in Global politics-protection of Global Commons- Common but differentiated Responsibilities-Common Property Resources-India’s stand on environmental issues- Environmental movements, Resources geo- politics- Indigenous people and their rights.

Unit VII: Globalisation

Concept of Globalisation- Causes and Consequences of Globalisation-Resistance to Globalisation-India and resistance to Globalisation.

B. Politics in India Since Independence

Unit I: Challenges of Nation Building

What is Nation building and three challenges of Nation Building-Partition: displacement and rehabilitation-consequences of partition and sacrifice of Mahatma Gandhi- Integration of princely states- Reorganisation of states and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

Unit II: Era of One Party Dominance

Challenges of Building democracy- Congress dominance in first three general elections and Communist victory in Kerala and role of CPI- Socialist Party- Communist Party-Bharatiya Jan Sangh-emergence of opposition party.

Unit III: Politics of Planned Development

Ideals of Development-Planning and Planning Commission and First Five Year Plan.

Unit IV: India’s External Relation

International context-The policy of Non- Alignment and Nehru’s role -Peace and conflict with China-War and peace with Pakistan (Bangladesh War 1971) – Kargil Confrontation- India’s Nuclear Policy- Shifting alliances in world politics.

Unit V: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System

Challenge of Political succession - Nehru-Shastri-Indira Gandhi- Fourth General election 1967- Emergence of coalition politics and Defection – Split in the Congress-Railway Strike 1974- Presidential election 1969-1971 election and Restoration.

Unit VI: The Crisis of Democratic Order

Background of emergency - Gujrat and Bihar movements - Conflicts with Judiciary; Declaration and consequences of Emergency 1975; Lessons of Emergency Politics after emergency – Loksabha election 1977 Janta Government –Legacy of emergency.

Unit VII: Regional Aspirations

Region and the nation- Indian approach to regional aspirations –Areas of tension Jammu and Kasmir- Politics Since 1948- Conflict in Panjab – 2002 and beyond- Demand for autonomy and secessionist movements in NE; Assam Movement; Accommodation and National integration – Insurgency and After.

Unit VIII: Recent Trends and Development in Indian Politics

Context of the 1990s- era of Coalition- Decline of Congress- Alliance Politics – Political rise of other backward classes and Mandal Commission and its Consequences - Communalism, Secularism and democracy in Indian Politics. - Lok sabha election 2004- Growing Consensus.

  1. Project Work Marks-20

Sample Project Work

  • Globalisation and its consequences
  • Importance of the USA in the Unipolar World
  • Shock Therapy and its consequences
  • India’s Security Strategy and its Implication
  • Rise of China in global Politics
  • Regional aspiration in North-East India: demand for autonomy
  • The Integration of Jammu and Kasmir and the subsequent Conflicts.
  • The crisis of Democratic order and declaration of Emergency
  • India’s Nuclear Policy. Etc.

AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2024-25? -FAQ

1. Where can I find the AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus for 2024-25?

The syllabus can be downloaded from the official AHSEC website at ahsec.assam.gov.in.

2. How is the AHSEC 2nd Year Political Science syllabus divided?

The syllabus is divided into theory and practical components, with 80% of the evaluation based on theory and 20% based on practical work.

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